About Us

Who We Are

We are a dedicated group of monastics, serving as Ambassadors for Christ, working and praying for the advancement of the Kingdom of Heaven. Our mission is to share the Gospel and its vision of empowerment to help bring the principles of Heaven to Earth.

Our team is diverse and multifaceted, comprising monastics, thought leaders, educators, speakers, authors, revolutionaries, reformers, consultants, researchers, program architects, and an inventor. We are committed to maintaining positivity, conscientiousness, and a deep care for others. We assist proactive individuals in reaching their goals, and we pride ourselves on being highly teachable, integrally focused, solutions-oriented, and striving towards greater excellence in all that we do.

What We Do

Our ministry is dedicated to helping individuals discover and express God's calling in their lives through a state-of-the-art, cross-disciplinary approach. We guide individuals in uncovering, recovering, and communicating their true selves, allowing them to operate in their highest power both internally and externally. Our work aims to help individuals reclaim their original estate, lost at birth upon entry into this world.

We offer online workshops designed for those who wish to obtain ambassadorial passports recognized by the United States of America. Additionally, we provide lawful technologies that support individuals in upholding their God-given rights, heritage, inheritance, and divine-endowed dignity as Kingdom citizens and ambassadors for Christ.

**Notice:** Conditions apply. A Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) and Agreement are required for attendance at our online workshops. Individuals with ongoing disputes with the IRS should resolve these matters before engaging in our processes.

Our Offerings

We assist those who wish to correct their presumed status with the U.S. Department of State from "enemy within" the United States to "Friend" and Diplomatic Ambassador for Christ. Our proprietary methods, accepted by the Department of State, are designed to be effective as long as the instructions are diligently followed and participants do not deviate from the methods reviewed in our online workshops.

We are also pleased to offer our services to Canadian nationals! During our workshops, we provide evidence and insights into the passport application process, ensuring participants understand the importance of specific and express intent when completing forms. We will also discuss the historical context and the spiritual and legal strategies necessary to break free from unconscionable agreements, clarifying your status as a son or daughter of the Most High.

We believe that a bright future awaits those who seize the opportunities available in this Kingdom Age. Our workshops will prepare you for the times ahead, enabling you to walk in the blessings that the Most High is providing to us and our future generations.

Important Notices

Copyright 2024-Present ©.** All donations of securities are classified as gifts and are conducted outside the jurisdiction of the United States. Lawful money (gold/silver coins) is also accepted. All transactions are considered to take place within the Nation of The Diplomatic Mission for the Cygnus. Donations are final and nonrefundable.

Jurisdiction: We are defined as a foreign government, and no jurisdictional immunity waiving is implied or expressed. All rights are explicitly and continually reserved.

Disclaimer: We do not offer legal, tax, medical, or financial advice. Participants are encouraged to seek out these services as needed.We are a dedicated group of monastics, serving as Ambassadors for Christ, working and praying for the advancement of the Kingdom of Heaven. Our mission is to share the Gospel and its vision of empowerment to help bring the principles of Heaven to Earth.